Sunday, June 27, 2010

Morning Sickness

Morning Sickiness doesn't affect me just in the morning, but all day long. I'm trying to eat, trying not to eat, whatever I do is just not enough to feel comforted in the belly. Nausea creeps along my daily jaunt like a shadow... woe, woe, and fie! just kidding on the bad attitude there, but seriously, what can i do?

I've started eating a few saltines and carrot juice. water does not help. sweet doesn't help at all. ignoring it REALLY doesn't help in fact it makes it much worse.

also, last few nights I've noticed that it's hard to lay down on the right side, it feels very uncomfortable. But most people have written not to lie on the left.. but for me it feels opposite.

Can't wait til Tuesday's ultrasound!

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